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Adding Value to Your Business by Protecting and Growing your IP Assets

Who We Are


NextNex is a full-service intellectual property firm that partners with companies and individuals to grow their businesses by identifying intellectual properties, commercializing them, and strategically planning their monetary and organizational growth so that they can spread their business both locally and globally.


NEXTNEX visions to encourage, protect and preserve the enshrined intellectual assets of human beings and valued in terms of money.


NEXTNEX mission is to create an ecosystem where innovations and creativity is respected and not encroached upon. Such ecosystems would provide the benefits to rightholders and their generations to come.

Trusted Across Industries

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Intellectual Property?

Anything which is a product of intellectual effort, ad invention that emerged using human intellect and creative activities in the field of applied arts or fine arts and technology is Intellectual Property. In other words, anything which is produced or created using the human brain or intellect is Intellectual Property. As per World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – “Intellectual Property refers to the creation of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

What is Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual Property Rights are those rights which are recognized and governed by laws of all countries who are signatories to various international treaties on Intellectual Property. Those rights includes nature of the property, the mode of its acquisition, nature of rights conferred, the commercial exploitation of those rights, enforcement of those rights and the remedies available against infringement of those rights.

How Intellectual Property Rights came into existence?

Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property in 1883.
Bern Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic works in 1886.
The Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization in 1967.
The role and importance of Intellectual Property protection was first introduced and negotiated in Trade – Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) in 1986.
Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Treaty in 1994.

Why Intellectual Property Rights needs to be protected?

The main purpose of these rights is to encourage the creation of a wide variety of Intellectual Goods. It allows people and businesses to benefit from intellectual goods and information they create and allows them to protect their rights and prevent its misuse and undue advantage by others.

What are the types of Intellectual Property recognized in India?

Patents, Trademark, Copyright, Designs, Geographical Indications, Plant Varieties, Industrial Designs and Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Designs.

What Laws in India governed this Intellectual Property Rights?

The Indian Patents Act, of 1970
The Patents Amendment Act, 2005
The Trademarks Act, 1999
The Trademark Amendment Act, 2010
The Copyright Act, of 1957
The Copyright Amendment Act, 2012
The Design Act, 2000
The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001
The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout – Design Act, 2000
The Information Technology Act, 2000

Who all are benefited by protecting these intellectual property rights?

Individual creator of intellectual goods like Artist, Inventors, Small and Medium Enterprises, Corporations, Government etc.

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