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An intellectual property (IP) audit is a process of reviewing and analyzing a company’s nature of business, identifying the list of intellectual property assets, and advising the business owners to protect their intangible assets and assess their value and potential risks.

It is like a "check-up" for the IP in your business.

  • what intangible assets do you possess
  • how could they be protected
  • how could they be exploited
  • what business processes could be improved

A good IP audit ensures:

  • identification of uncovered or under-utilized assets
  • review of licensing decisions
  • suitable anti-infringement actions
  • uncover unused or under-utilized assets.
  • Determine Ownership of these assets.
  • Identify any related threats, i.e., infringement from your side or by others.

It is an essential tool to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a company's intellectual property portfolio that helps the company:

  • to maintain its competitive edge
  • evaluate risks and opportunities

NextNex gets into the skin of your business during an IP Audit. It determines the game plan for your organization’s IPs. The offering includes:

  • comprehensive audit
  • strategic approach
  • expert advice